What is TriviaBucket?
Well that’s a really simple question to answer! – Trivia and lots of it! – Bucketloads of Trivia!
Our mission is to provide only the best trivia questions and answers to challenge, inform and entertain as many people as possible with all sorts of trivia gems for people to enjoy.
TriviaBucket is a place where you can test your trivia knowledge with the best trivia questions around. Our awesome trivia questions cover a wide range of topics including; people, nature, sport, music, movies, history, grography and a whole lot more! Take a look for yourself!
Trivia is added to TriviaBucket on a regular basis and we also encourage you to submit your own fascinating questions and answers too! If you have a question you would like added to the site then please visit the Share your Trivia Page! Submitting your trivia question is really simple!
Now you may be wondering…. What exactly is Trivia? Well to quote the oxford dictionary definition of trivia;
Trivia is defined as;
‘Details, considerations, or pieces of information of little importance or value’.
So What is a Trivia Question?
So essentially trivia questions are little gems or nuggets of facts and information in question format.
Now of course the value that is attached to trivia is quite subjective. However there is no doubt that trivia is a fun and lighthearted way to engage with people over common shared knowledge. An example being the many pub quizes that take place globally each and every week where people gather in unison to share their common love for trivia while enjoying each others company!
How to Get the Most Out of this Site?
Use this site on your own or with others its up to you! Test your general knowledge or use it to test other peoples!
Why not use it as an icebreaker the next time you are with others! It can be a great conversation starter. Pick a category and select as many questions as you like and write down the answers and then see who got the most right!! Go on challenge yourself and others. Click Here to Get Started!