What is another name for the Garbanzo bean?

What savoury snack was named after the Reverend Sylvester Graham?

Pitepalt is a dish that originated in what country?

Gravlax is a Nordic dish made using what raw ingredient cured in salt, sugar and dill?

Roquefort is a type of cheese made from the milk of what animal?

What is the more common name for an Alligator Pear?

Kimchi is a fermented dish of vegetables originating from what country?

True or False a tomato contains approximately sixty five percent water?

List the three main ingredients in a Pina colada cocktail?

What bright green liqueur is named after the Japanese word for green?

What is the national drink of Puerto Rico?

Guacamole is a type of dip or spread that uses what as its main ingredient?

What term is often used to describe the air gap between a wine and it’s cork?

A tough wine is considered to have too much what?

What is the main ingredient in Texas Caviar?

What is the main ingredient in Tia Maria liqueur?

What type of pepper is a Chipotle?

Samshu is a drink made from fermented rice and is quite popular in what country?

What two ingredients are used to make a rusty nail cocktail?

A macaroni cocktail contains just two ingredients can you name them?

Cognac is another name for what type of alcoholic drink?

What is Biltong?

Can you name the three main types of commercially produced coffee bean?

What strong green liqueur has been made by the Carthusian Monks in France since 1737?

What type of food is Panettone?

What salad was named after a luxury hotel in New York City?

What is the main ingredient in Hoisin sauce?

Where is Stilton Cheese made?

Bourbon is an American whiskey distilled from what main ingredient?

Bucks Fizz is a cocktail made from two parts Champagne to one part what?