What country produces the most amount of Papaya?

True or False Spain is the worlds largest producer of lemons?

Russian, Black and Thompson are all types of what?

True or False German chocolate cake originated in Germany?

Mille-feuille, custard slice and vanilla slice are all the same type of French pastry True or False?

What does Semifreddo mean in Italian?

What is the name for the salted water used to preserve tinned fish?

Filippo Berio is a brand of what?

Mead is an alcoholic drink made by fermenting what as the main ingredient?

Dulse, Carrageen moss, and Kombu are all types of edible what?

Bibingka is usually eaten for breakfast in the Philippines during what time of the year?

Cannoli are Sicilian pastry deserts made with fried pastry dough and what filling?

What country is the largest producer of Apples in the world?

Rutabaga, swede and neep are all the same root vegetable True or False?

In the Bible what fruit is forever linked with Adam and Eve?

True or False over ninety-nine percent of potatoes worldwide have descended from south-central Chile?

A raisin is a dried grape True or False?

An Irish Coffee consists of hot coffee, sugar, cream and what alcoholic drink?

True or False An Eggplant and an Aubergine are the same thing?

What fruit is native to southern Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina?

Australian chemist Cyril Percy Callister developed what spread in 1922?

Butterscotch sauce is made by cooking brown sugar and adding what two ingredients?

True or False alcohol is prohibited in Saudi Arabia?

What is the national fruit of India, Pakistan and the Philippines?

What country produces the highest amount of grapes for wine making every year?

What name is given to an unstable economy dependent upon exporting a limited-resource product?

The Onion is closely related to garlic, leek and chive True or False?

The Asian Wolfberry is better known by what name?

There are less than one hundred different varieties of Potato True or False?

What is another name for a Paw Paw Fruit?