What is another name for a Paw Paw Fruit?

What country is the highest producer of Avocados?

Is an Avocado a fruit or a vegetable?

Burnt cream or Trinity cream are Fench desserts better known by what other name?

Wassail is a type of mulled what originating from England?

When wine is opened first the interaction between the air and the wine is known as what?

Nutella chocolate spread originated in what country in 1965?

Chips are known as what in the US?

When is Stollen traditionally eaten in Germany?

Abbuoto, bosco and pignolo are all varieties of grapes from what country?

Samuel Parkinson invented what confectionary product?

Mongozo, Raha and Agashya are all brands of what?

The main ingredients in Bubble and squeak is Potato and what other vegetable?

What shape is an éclair pastry?

Bauernfrühstück is a warm German dish that literally means what in English?

Blight can have a devastating effect on what tuberous crop in particular?

Gorgonzola is a type of blue cheese True or False?

Evian and Volvic are both brands of what?

Roquefort is a cheese produced in the south of France from the milk of what animal?

Tater and spud are slang names for what vegetable?

Asiático is a popular hot drink from what country?

The Jackfruit is native to what country?

Eating Carrots can help improve your vision in the dark True or False?

What Hungarian sponge cake was introduced at the National General Exhibition of Budapest in 1885?

One of the first biodiesels was made from what oil?

True or False some olive trees can live to be over 4000 years old?

Genoise is an Italian sponge cake named after what Italian city?

In north America Yam is the name often given to what common vegetable?

What weight in Kilogrammes or pounds was the worlds largest pumpkin?

Groundnut, goober, and monkey nut are all names given to what popular form of nut?