Islamabad is the capital city of what country?

What is the capital city of Cameroon?

The city of Rome is located on what river?

Linz is a city located in what country?

In what country would you find Snowdonia National Park?

What U.S state is located directly to the west of Colorado?

Wichita is located in what U.S. state?

In what country would you find the Ozark mountains?

In what country would you find the Cliffs of Moher?

What is the capital of the Canadian state of British Columbia?

The Bayonne Bridge is situated in what U.S city?

Karachi is a city located in what country?

These Green Mountains is the official song of what U.S state?

Kylemore Abbey is located in what country?

In what U.S state would you find Charlotte airport?

The River Aa is a river situated in the north of what country?

What is the capital of the U.S state of Louisiana?

What is the highest mountain in Germany?

True or False the longest river in Saudi Arabi is the River Draa?

What is the third largest state in the U.S?

Tallahassee is the capital of what U.S state?

There is only one country in the world that has one vowel in its name but can you name it?

In what country is Rondane national park located ?

What is the capital of Paraguay?

What river beginning with the letter D flows through ten countries?

What is the capital of Nepal?

What South American city is nicknamed The City of the Kings?

What is the largest Greek island?

What is the capital city of the U.S state of New Jersey?

The Tagus is the longest river in the Iberian Peninsula but what sea does it empty into?