In what year did the English church renounce papal authority?

What is the name given to a person who does not believe in God?

Who baptised Jesus?

What country has the highest percentage of Catholics?

India has the highest number of Hindu’s worldwide True or False?

In Hebrew what is the Tanakh referred to as?

What day of the week is named after the wife of the Norse god Odin?

What is the name often given to the act of religious censorship?

What building in Mecca is considered by Muslims to be the House of God?

What is the name given to the skullcap worn by many Jews?

What branch of protestant Christianity is named after Martin Luther?

What is the literal meaning of the words ‘The Quran’?

The name of what flower is often used to remember the five points of Calvinism?

True or false 86% of all Jews reside in three countries Israel, USA and Canada?

In order for seafood to be kosher in Jewish tradition it must have what?

In Bible scripture David defeated who in the Valley of Elah?

What Emperor of Ethiopia is considered the second coming of Christ on earth?

All Muslims must face the direction of the Kaaba when praying? True or False

Where did Muhammad receive his first verbal revelation from god?

What is the largest religion in the world based on number of followers?

What term is given to the rejection of generally accepted religious beliefs or teachings?

Charles Taze Russell founded what religious group in the late 1870’s?

What is the name of the foundational text of Judaism?

The prophet Muhammad was born in what city in the Arabian Peninsula?

Ishmael was the son of who?

Pietism is a movement within Lutheranism True or False?

Korean shamanism is a religion dating back to prehistoric times True or False?

How many books are in the Tanakh?

What religion developed in Jamaica in the 1930’s?

How many pillars are there in the Islamic religion?