How many Secrets of Fatima were there in total?

What is the official residence of the Pope?

Siddhartha Gotama founded what religion?

What is the religion of the Jewish people?

What name is given to God by Rastafarians?

True or False Buddhism is the worlds fourth largest religion?

John Wesley founded what religion?

The ninety-five theses in 1517 was a publication by what reformer?

What colour smoke signals the announcement of a new pope?

The Three Treasures in Taoism are Compassion, Frugality but what is the third?

Calvinism gets its name from what protestant reformer?

George Harrison was a member of what religious group?

Isaac was the son of what prophet?

True or False The Buddha had a son?

A Pig is considered to be kosher by Jews True or False?

How old was Noah when he died?

The English reformation began under what English king?

True or False approx. 15% of the worlds population are Hindu?

Laozi is considered one of the founders of what Chinese religion?

Indonesia has the highest population of Muslims True or False?

In what country did Buddhism originate?

Sir Thomas More was against the idea of the protestant reformation True or False?

What does the term Monotheism mean?

In 1879 what unusual event occurred in Knock?

Hoahaoism is a religion founded by Hu?nh PhĂș S? in Vietnam in what year?

The month of fasting for Muslims is known by what name?

What is the name of the independent city state located in Rome?

In what famous river was Jesus baptised?

The Quran is the main text of what religion?

Wuism is a form of shamanism originating from which country?