What novel beginning with the letter J did American author Peter Benchley write that later became a cult movie?

Cup of Gold was the first novel by what American writer?

What does the acronym SOS mean?

What does the acronym YTD mean?

What word beginning with N describes something as being boat-shaped?

What word beginning with O describes something as being egg-shaped?

All’s Well That Ends Well is a play written by what English writer?

Through the Looking Glass was a sequel to what popular Lewis Carroll novel?

What is the national language of Pakistan?

In rugby what term beginning with G is used to describe a high kick with lots of airtime?

The word Motel is a combination of what two words?

Mansfield Park and Pride and Prejudice are novels by what female author born in 1775?

In Harry Potter by what other name is Tom Marvolo Riddle better known?

A Penny-farthing is a type of what?

Ornithology is the study of what?

Richard Bachman is a pen name used by what popular American author?

In relation to time zones what does the acronym GMT mean?

Paso Doble and Pavane are both types of what?

True or False Saint Louis du Ha! Ha! is a real place name?

Chiaroscuro is a technical term used mainly by people in what profession?

The South American country of Argentina is named after what type of metal?

According to Polonius in Shakesperes Hamlet What is the Soul of Wit?

In Cockney rhyming slang what are Harvey Nichols?

In Cockney rhyming slang what is a Dickory Dock?

In the Hebrew Alphabet what letter does Dalet represent?

In the U.S an estate agent is known by what name beginning with R?

Fedora and Trillby are both types of what?

A tap is more commonly referred to as what in the U.S?

True or False a Cruller is a type of hand tool?

What word beginning with W is another name for a billfold?